

Years Work experience in Construction Managers


  • AV Construction makes all our efforts to maintain best standards of services and our members encourage our services by giving their suggestions. We don't only welcome their suggestions but also try our best to apply them. We believe  that only a fully integrated, planning and operational corridor with our clients  can make ideas and designs conforms to realistic options. Our solutions  empower a client to control every stage of the projects where compliance with  norms and concerns such as considerations of space of efficient course of  environment specific modalities are of the highest priority .
  • It is attention to details that earned us the respect and appreciation of our customer and prestige in a short span of our few years
  • CLIENTS SPEAK "We believe that the truth worth of a company is reflected in the way it benefits the customers. The following fact-file summarizes in belief on clients opinions about the services engineering plans and process and the  customers-oriented services we provides."